Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Well we did not have instant internet access, so I had to wait a few days to update. We are now at Crato at the Seminary. Our 8 hour bus ride was long and somewhat interesting. All of us took cat naps.

But let me back up. We arrived to Fortaleza timely with only 2 pieces of luggage missing. Luckily they arrived later that night. We had a LOVELY hotel with air conditioning. We spent some time shopping and seeing sites. Yesterday we went to Beach Park. VERY COOL!!!!

On Sunday we went to church at night where Emily and Renae played their song, Rich and Phillip gave their testimony and Pastor Dan preached. All went well and the church was very welcoming.

This morning we left the hotel at 5am. That was REALLY REALLY early! But we are still pretty rested, although I think that is about to change.

There are many students at the seminary who are learning English or speak it very well so for the most part communicating has been fun!

So that is it for now. I must be getting back to the dorms.

Keep us in your prayers!!!!



At 8:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Voy a visitar a tu escuela y a la Sra. Laurent para escuchar a tu internal assessment esta manana. Ella dice que tu hablas fluentemente y quiero oirte, sin acento de "cuello rojo". Todo esta bien a casa. Vayan todos con dios alla.

Dios te bendiga muchisimo hito,


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